Nymphalidae - Satyrinae

Aphantopus hyperantus

Speckled wood
Speckled wood
Pararge aegeria

Large wall brown
Large wall brown
Lasiommata maera

Wall brown
Wall brown
Lasiommata megera

Northern wall brown
Northern wall brown
Lasiommata petropolitana

Blind erebia
Blind erebia
Erebia pharte

Lesser Mountain ringlet
Lesser Mountain ringlet
Erebia melampus

Almond eyed ringlet
Almond eyed ringlet
Erebia albergana

Large ringlet
Large ringlet
Erebia euryale

Yellow spotted ringlet
Yellow spotted ringlet
Erebia manto

Scotch argus
Scotch argus
Erebia aethiops

Arran Brown
Arran Brown
Erebia ligea

Autumn ringlet
Autumn ringlet
Erebia neoridas

 Dewy ringlet
Dewy ringlet
Erebia pandrose

Common brassy ringlet
Common brassy ringlet
Erebia cassioides

Marbled white
Marbled white
Melanargia galathea

Iberian Marbled White
Iberian Marbled White
Melanargia lachesis

Esper's marbled white
Esper's marbled white
Melanargia russiae

 Alpine Grayling
Alpine Grayling
Oeneis glacialis

Great banded grayling
Great banded grayling
Brintesia circe

False grayling
False grayling
Arethusana arethusa

The hermit
The hermit
Chazara briseis

Hipparchia semele

Hipparchia Genus

Striped grayling
Striped grayling
Hipparchia fidia

Tree grayling
Tree grayling
Hipparchia statilinus

Minois dryas

Great Sooty Satyr
Great Sooty Satyr
Satyrus ferula

Spanish gatekeeper
Spanish gatekeeper
Pyronia bathseba

Pyronica tithonus

Meadow brown
Meadow brown
Maniola jurtina

Chestnut heath
Chestnut heath
Coenonympha glycerion

Small heath
Small heath
Coenonympha pamphilus

Dusky Heath
Dusky Heath
Coenonympha dorus

Scarce heath
Scarce heath
Coenonympha hero

Alpine Heath
Alpine Heath
Coenonympha gardetta

Pearly heath
Pearly heath
Coenonympha arcania